Walking Is The Very Best Form of Exercise

Americans are increasingly inactive and overweight.  Walking is a great way to break the cycle of inactivity and get started on the road to better health and fitness. How many times have you or someone you know decided, "I'm getting into shape" and...

Cutting Your Flare-ups in Half

Did you know?  For chronic low back pain patients, chiropractic "maintenance care" cuts acute flare-ups in half! In one study, over the course of nine months, chronic low back pain patients who received regular chiropractic care (one treatment every...

Baseball Elbow

One of the most common injuries in baseball is a sore elbow in young pitchers.  The hand is made up of nineteen bones, the wrist of eight bones, the lower arm of two bones, and the upper arm of one bone.  All these bones are held together by ligaments, made...

Whiplash Injuries and Symptoms

Following an injury caused by a car accident, a blow to the body from a sporting event, or a work-related injury, the victim is often taken to a hospital where x-rays are ordered and the patient is advised that no bones have been broken. The patient is generally...

Back and Neck Pain

Medical professionals use the term "itis" in their diagnosis to indicate inflammation.  For instance, the inflammation in your bones is called arthr-itis, in the tendons inflammation is called tendon-itis, and in the muscles, inflammation is called...